Our Rates
Average Regular Cleaning Price​
3 Bed / 2 Bath
Weekly $135
Bi-Weekly $155
Monthly $170
4 Bed / 3 Bath
Weekly $155
Bi-Weekly $170
Monthly $190
4+ Bed / 3+ Bath
Weekly $170
Bi-Weekly $190
Monthly $250
If you have any further questions regarding our pricing model, reach out to the Felicio Cleaning Services team at 470 952 9626 We will gladly answer all of your inquiries.
Inicial Cleaning
To start the process, we typically begin with a deep clean. This is also available as an independent service, though it is the first step in routine cleaning arrangements.
The fees for the first cleaning job will be marginally higher than subsequent visits. The first time visit takes approximately 4 to 8 hours with a team of 2 cleaners.
The average price for initial cleaning or deep cleaning is between $300 and $600
Because no two homes are the same, many factors go into determining your customized price. We'll stop by and do a FREE evaluation before giving you a final quote.
Minimum price for any service is $120
Monthly cleaning is only available for condos and townhouses